Red Hill Public School

Inspire, achieve, contribute

Telephone02 6931 1263

Support Unit

Our support unit is made up of The Special Needs Unit and Early Intervention Unit.

Special Needs Unit

The Special Needs Unit supports children with identified learning needs. The Unit consists of three classrooms and caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.

The students are invovled in a range of uniques learning opportunities that include:

  • access to technology;
  • a weekly horse riding program with the RDA;
  • weekly shopping and cooking lessons and
  • the opportunity to integrate with minstream classes.

Early Intervention Unit

Our Early Intervention Unit (EI) is situated within the grounds of the school. The EI unit caters for children who are between three and four years old. The support class service is for children with disabilities or significant difficulties with learning or behaviour.

A child's early years are a time of rapid development when the foundation is established for many later skills. In order to maximise the learning outcome for children with disabilities or learning and behavioural difficulties, access to early intervention is desirable as early as possible. The EI unit also assists with the establishment of effective transition procedures that assist children and their families to move between settings and services.

The EI unit has a fulltime teacher and part time Student Learning Support Officer (SLSO) five days a week. Sessions run from 9.30am until 12 noon each day. Children also receive resourcing support in their own preschool or child care centre. Daily sessional groups have between 5-8 students depending on the complexity of needs of each group of children.

Where appropriate, children are involved in a range of activities that are part of the Red Hill Public School's range of programs and activities.


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