Bimbi Preschool is located in the grounds of Red Hill Public School and is open to children turning 4yrs before 31st July, the year before they attend primary school.
There are currently two sessions - Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday, with an alternating Wednesday.
Bimbi Preschool is the only Department of Education Preschool in Wagga Wagga which places us with the unique ability to support the children of Bimbi to achieve a smooth transition to primary school, as they are already a part of the vibrant and positive school community at Red Hill Public School.
Bimbi Preschool embraces the Early Years Learning Framework as a part of the National Quality Framework. At Bimbi we believe children learn best through well planned and supported play, based on the interests and emerging skills of the children. Bimbi children learn in our well resourced classroom and our large creative outdoor garden. Experienced and qualified Early Childhood Professionals deliver our innovative preschool program.
The Bimbi Preschool Philosophy values play based learning and extending children's learning through following their interests. Please read the Bimbi Philosophy and look through the gallery of photos that illustrates our philosophy in practice.
See more photos in the Bimbi Preschool Photo Gallery
National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating
Bimbi has been acknowledged for its achievements in Meeting the National Quality Standards and striving for quality outcomes for children. In particular, collaborative partnerships with families, communities and support agencies and leadership and service management demonstrates the commitment to quality by the approved provider, educators and staff.
Overall Rating: Exceeding National Quality Standards
Bimbi Preschool Quality Improvement Plan
Click here to read the Bimbi Preschool Quality Improvement Plan
Bimbi Preschool Policies and Procedures
Bimbi Preschool is a Department of Education Preschool and a part of Red Hill Public School. We follow all the Deparment Policies from which our local procedures are developed.
Link to Department of Education Preschool home page were you can find the deparment policies. A copy of our local procedures is available at the preschool.
A copy of the Department of Education's Preschool Operational Guidelines is available here and also at Bimbi Preschool.
Resources for at home
What can you do at home to support you child's early learning? Here are some ideas..........
Early Childhood Literacy and Numeracy Cards
This set of cards has been developed to help you support young children in learning to read, write and do maths. They are the result of careful research into how young children learn.
The cards show how literacy and numeracy are developed through simple family activities, and how these link to later learning at school.
Early Childhood Literacy and Numeracy Cards
Other useful resources
Learning potential resources website
Early childhood literacy and numeracy booklet
Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions
If you have any of these please speak to one of our educators or if you prefer, we have a book located in the preschool foyer. This book also has a copy of the Department of Education complaints policy. Formal complaints can be directed to the School Principal – Mrs Tina Roworth.